October 5, 2023
The fearless Nami was the first of her tribe to leave the oceans and explore the lands of Runeterra. Using her inherited magic powers and her Tidecaller staff, she steadily fights for the survival of her people.
Her protective nature shows on LoL’s Summoner’s Rift, where Nami supports her allies with healing and crowd-controlling abilities. As a support, she typically spends the early game in the bot lane with her Attack Damage Carry (ADC). Afterward, she roams the rift or accompanies her allies into team fights. Her versatile kit makes her a fun champion choice, especially for new players!

LoL champions can activate one of their abilities at the start of every game. As the game progresses, they can unlock and improve more abilities when they level up. The damage and healing from Nami’s W are strong in the early game. Therefore, unlock this ability right off the bat. Next are her E and Q. You can activate her Tidal Wave at champion level six. Once all abilities are ready, prioritize her W, E, and then Q.
Passive: Surging Tides
When Nami’s Abilities hit allied champions, they gain Move Speed for a short duration.
Nami’s Passive is the opposite of friendly fire. While it takes experience to harness Surging Tides fully, it’s good to remember that Nami can provide speed boosts to her allies if needed.
Q: Aqua Prison
Sends a bubble to a target area, dealing damage and stunning all enemies on impact.
Aqua Prison has a small area of effect, so it will take some practice to utilize this ability successfully. Nami’s Q has a higher success rate as part of an attack combo which I will explain later in the guide. Its uses are versatile and range from the defensive stunning of an engaging enemy to aggressive poking.
W: Ebb and Flow
Unleashes a stream of water that bounces back and forth between allied and enemy champions, healing allies and damaging enemies.
Ebb and Flow’s strong point is that it can hit and affect multiple targets per use. If it’s first applied to an ally for healing, it will bounce off to an enemy doing damage. The opposite occurs when Nami first targets an opponent. You can use Nami’s W to poke enemy bot laners and help your fellow ADC survive.
However, keep in mind that Ebb and Flow can only hit a champion once per use. Further, other targets must be nearby to be affected by the bounce. Therefore, Nami’s W unleashes its full power during large team fights in the mid- and endgame.
E: Tidecaller’s Blessing
Empowers an allied champion for a short duration. The ally’s basic attacks and spells deal bonus magic damage and slow the target.
Nami’s E synergizes well with her other abilities, facilitating crowd control application and increasing damage output. It is important to note that Nami can also apply Tidecaller’s Blessing to herself. Leverage this for a powerful spell combo:
- Apply your E. Your next three Attacks will slow your opponent.
- Use a Normal Attack to activate the slow. Your target will be exposed to your Q now.
- Stun the opponent with your Q. This leaves them vulnerable to your and your team’s attacks.
- Finish the combo with a W or R.
This tactic shines in team fights and when poking your enemy botlaners in the early game (laning phase).
R: Tidal Wave
Summons a massive Tidal Wave that knocks up, slows, and damages enemies. Allies hit gain double the effect of Surging Tides.
Nami’s R is a mighty tool for engaging and winning team fights. Moreover, it travels through enemy lines, hitting targets hiding behind their allies. This ability is ideally used at the beginning of the battle to turn the enemy champions into vulnerable targets for your allies. But it can also be used defensively if it’s the only way of survival.
Summoner Spells
Summoner spells are equipped before the start of a game and are like additional abilities with long cooldowns. The most common summoner spells for Nami are Flash and Ignite. Flash teleports your champion a short distance toward the direction of your cursor. Use this spell to get out of precarious situations or when being chased by enemies. When Ignite is applied to an opponent, it does true damage over five seconds. Furthermore, it grants you vision of the target while reducing the healing they receive. Use this spell to finish off enemies that might otherwise survive with low health.
Nami wants to start her game with the Spellthief’s Edge, two Health Potions, and a Stealth Ward. Spellthief’s Edge awards you with Gold whenever you do damage to an enemy. You must accumulate 500 Gold to transform the item into its advanced version, Frostfang. Thus, it encourages you to poke enemies in the early game. Frostfang provides you with three wards whenever you visit your spawn. In contrast, the Stealth Ward grants up to two wards that have fixed cooldowns. Use them in the laning phase to illuminate your bot lane. Health Potions ensure your survival during the early game. But keep in mind that they regenerate health over time and not instantly.
Next, Nami benefits from the additional damage provided by the Imperial Mandate. In addition, the Ionian Boots of Lucidity increase her Move Speed while reducing the cooldowns of her abilities. Finally, the Chemtech Putrifier decreases the healing effectiveness of your opponents.
Nami’s following item options are the Staff of Flowing Water and the Ardent Censer.

Nami is a support beloved by many LoL fans. Her spells offer diverse effects while staying true to their core purpose as a support kit. Additionally, she is a beginner-friendly support and fantastic at introducing you to key mechanics, such as poking, positioning, and engaging. That being said, her kit has a learning curve. So, take your time as you familiarize yourself with the exciting world of Runeterra!