October 5, 2023
Valorant became available for the public in the summer of 2020 and has since released a lot of charismatic, cunning, and brutal agents to help players succeed over the enemy. These agents have unique abilities, but some are quicker to learn and master than others. Here is a quick rundown of one of the best starter agents, Sage.
Sage is objectively one of the best agents in the game. While she is a support character, once you learn how to use Sage and her kit properly, you will be able to use different push strategies, and she can be used more aggressively in certain situations. This character guide will show you why she is a force to be reckoned with.
Abilities overview

Slow Orb
Sage’s slow orb can be perfect for sticky situations. If you find yourself defending an area the enemy team is rushing, the slow orb is perfect for stopping or slowing their incoming pursuit. Using the slow orb will help you retreat to a safer spot and give your teammates a chance to rotate.
Due to this crowd control ability, slow orbs can be especially useful in early pistol rounds when teams like to push together. The slow orb can help turn a rush into a 1v1 situation rather than being overwhelmed by the number of enemy attackers.
For maximum effect, slow orbs can also be used in combination with an ally’s AoE attack, such as Brimstone’s Orbital Strike or Phoenix’s Hot Hands.
Healing Orb
This is a pretty self-explanatory ability. This ability helps heal you or your teammates. While heals come in handy in this game and can be a deciding factor in a win or loss situation, it is important to know when to use this item.
It is easy to get caught up in the stress and responsibility of healing, but sometimes that can cause tunnel vision, leaving you open to an enemy attack. If your teammate is in a fight and you are nearby, sometimes the best support is with gunfire instead of heals.
Barrier Orb
This is probably Sage’s most utilized ability, so it makes sense why it would be her most expensive ability. A good barrier placement can help corral the enemy team making their movement easier to dictate.
The barrier is not only good for blocking entryways. It can also help boost your or a teammate up higher to gain better vantage points. Using the wall to boost yourself can leave you vulnerable for a brief period, so timing is everything.
If you’re wondering what the best strategy is for wall placement, gaming news and review site, check Diamond Lobby’s video. It helps demonstrate the best Sage wall locations for every map for defensive play and aggressive boosts.
The barrier can be used in other methods as well. These methods include sight blocking and shielding. You can cut off the enemy’s line of sight, so they can not blindly spray, and you can use the wall to protect teammates spotted. The barrier having this versatility is one of the main reasons Sage is a great character to jump into Valorant with if you are just starting out.
Sage’s ultimate is one of the best in the game. With her resurrecting ability, Sage can turn the tide by giving your team the numbers advantage in critical situations. While the ability is pretty straightforward – revive a teammate – knowing when to use it is what will help determine the match.
Don’t waste this ability when a round is a lost cause. Using resurrection when your team needs a crucial win is always a good rule of thumb. Sometimes, Valorant comes down to a numbers game, so having an extra man on the field can be that deciding factor. So, if you waste a resurrection on a losing round, you may not have it when you need it.
Tips and Tricks – Summary
Slow orb aggressive peek spots:
- This can help cut down on enemy rushing.
- It can be used in combination with AoE abilities of your allies such as Brimstone’s Orbital Strike or Phoenix’s Hot Hands.
Barrier Orb can decide a match early
- Get familiar with the maps and learn the best locations to place your wall.
- Practice boosting yourself and teammates for better vantage points.
Heal when the coast is clear
- If your teammate is in a fight, assist them before trying to heal.
- Best for use on winnable rounds.
Sage is a pretty versatile agent. She has been used for defense and as a more aggressive agent. Sage is a good starter agent and can be used in many unique ways the more comfortable you get with her. She can be seen in most team compositions as she provides incredible value with her healing and resurrection abilities.