October 5, 2023
While Baptiste is a support character, he can deal massive damage in the right hands, allowing players to toe the line between DPS and support. He may take some time to master, but once you get the hang of him, you’ll be able to keep your team healed and still maintain high damage against your opponents.
Baptiste kit comes not only with a health boost, but he can also increase damage and keep his team from dying. Played right, he can be an absolute powerhouse and a thorn in the enemy team’s side. This guide will help go over the basics if you’re looking for a character that can scratch your need for both support and DPS.
Biotic Launcher
Primary fire – Three-round burst gun. Alt-fire – Lob a healing projectile that heals all allies near the impact.
The Biotic Launcher is Baptiste’s primary weapon and has a dual use. The Primary fire is a three-round burst gun that allows him to deal damage. This is the only item in Baptiste’s kit that allows him to deal damage. The alt-fire is his primary source of healing. Its fire rate is quite slow, but it lobs a healing projectile with an AOE effect, healing all allies near its splash impact. Both the alt-fire and primary fire can be used simultaneously to maximize the effectiveness of the Biotic Launcher.
Regenerative Burst
Activate to heal yourself and nearby allies instantly, with additional healing over time. Instant heal is doubled for targets less than half health.
This ability heals both Baptiste and nearby allies instantly and also provides healing over time – about five seconds. This effect is doubled for any allies that have less than half their maximum health. While timing is key to this ability, one strategy could be to use the Regenerative Burst at the start of a fight to ensure that teammates are kept alive during the push.
Unlike the healing grenades, Regenerative Burst will also heal Baptiste. However, the cooldown is a little long, so be cautious before running headfirst into battle because you’ll want to save this for when you’re really in a pinch. So, if you do decide to use the burst during your initial push, be sure to get somewhere out of the line of fire quickly while you wait for the ability to refresh. This would be a great time to use your Exo Boots ability to push with your team, use Regenerative Burst, and use your Exo Boots to jump to a vantage point out of the line of enemy fire.
Immortality Field
Toss a device that prevents allies from dying. The device can be destroyed.
The Immortality Field is one of the most useful tools in Baptiste’s kit. This ability can protect your allies from dying. It can keep your allies standing against any abilities that are guaranteed instant death, like Diva’s Self-Destruct. It’s a little harder for it to shield you from ultimates like Reaper’s Death Blossom, however, since Reaper will just shoot wildly, which could cause him to destroy the Immortality Field and lead you to respawn.
The Immortality Field can be destroyed, so be sure to try and place it out of the enemy’s line of sight so it is not destroyed prematurely. The field lasts for about five seconds and has a long cooldown, so be sure to save it for the right moment.
It may be tempting to launch this ability as soon as your teammates engage in a fight, but due to its length cooldown, you want to make sure to save it for when you really need it. It’s best used during a last stand or when you see an opponent about to use their ultimate – especially if your team is grouped together.
Amplification Matrix
Project a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles.
The Amplification Matrix is Baptiste’s Ultimate ability. He projects a rectangular matrix window that doubles both the damage and healing effect of all projectiles that pass through it coming from you and your allies. This is best used when your team is grouped up so you and your allies can deal maximum damage.
It can be used to provide some life-saving healing for allies, and to suppress your enemy with a barrage of firepower. If your team has a Bastion, this can lead to some devastating damage being dealt to your enemies. Some ultimates can be used in conjunction with the Amplification Matrix as well. This includes Pharah, Ashe, Soldier: 76, Cassidy, Sojourn, Hanzo, and Moira. Since these ultimates deal out a lot of damage, if you pass them through the Amplification Matrix, they are sure to take down the opposing team without much effort.
This Ultimate has a downside, however. To get the most out of using Amplification Matrix, you’ll want to coordinate with your team. If you place the matrix, but your team is scattered or disorganized, it is easy to waste.
Exo Boots
Hold crouch to jump higher.
The Exo Boots are Baptiste’s passive ability. This is his mobility. When you hold a crouch, Baptiste will jump higher. This is a great way to get above the enemy team and provide support from a safe vantage point. This ability can also be used as an escape method if you find yourself cornered. If you use your Exo Boots to spring into the air, it is rather easy for the enemy to lose sight of you, allowing you an opportunity to land behind them and take them out.
Tips and Tricks
- Both the alt-fire and primary fire can be used simultaneously to maximize the effectiveness of the Biotic Launcher.
- Unlike the healing grenades, Regenerative Burst will also heal Baptiste. However, the cooldown is a little long, so be cautious before running headfirst into battle because you’ll want to save this for when you’re really in a pinch.
- The Immortality Field is best used during a last stand or when you see an opponent about to use their ultimate – especially if your team is grouped together.
- To get the most out of using Amplification Matrix, you’ll want to coordinate with your team. If you place the matrix, but your team is scattered or disorganized, it is easy to waste.
- The Exo Boots can be used as an escape method if you find yourself cornered. If you use your Exo Boots to spring into the air, it is rather easy for the enemy to lose sight of you, allowing you an opportunity to land behind them and take them out.
Baptiste has a pretty unique kit and can be a ton of fun to play. He’s good if you want to heal, but still want the ability to dole out damage. He can be a little more difficult to master over other characters, but once you get the hang of him, you’ll be the perfect choice for most team compositions.