October 5, 2023
Raised in Manila, Philippines, Neon has one of the most unique kits in Valorant. She can outmaneuver most agents, making her the perfect player for those looking for a fight. Her Fast Lane ability created a path for Neon and her teammates that can be used for taking sites. High Gear grants a deadly speed boost that can help Neon quickly enter a site or flank her enemies. This ability makes it easy to rotate between sites, allowing for quick and efficient assistance.
She might take a bit of practice to master, but she is relatively easy to maneuver once you put in the work. In this guide, we will go over the speedster’s abilities and advise on some helpful tips to push against the opposing team.

Relay Bolt (Q)
With this ability, you can instantly throw an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast. The Relay Bolts can be an excellent way to soften or distract the enemy before pushing into an area.
Relay Bolts may be hard to use for beginners because you run the risk of concussing yourself or your teammates upon entry.
The concussive blasts explode on each surface landed, so it is crucial to check your lineups and your angles. You may not have the option to prepare for each situation, so this can be a tricky ability to get the hang of, but practice makes perfect.
High Gear (E)
Instantly channel Neon’s power for increased speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide. The slide charge rests every two kills.
The slide that comes with this ability is great when wide peeking since you can instantly shoot after the dash. You are also crouched while sliding, which can help catch your enemies off guard.
High Gear is a free ability that allows Neon to cover distances quickly. The energy drains at a quick rate, but two kills will replenish, so it is best used in combat situations rather than using it to rotate around the map.
The slide can also be used in any direction you want. For a reverse slide, you will need to gain momentum first by activating the ability and running forward. When you want to do the reverse slide, while moving forward, strafe (press “A” or “D”) with perfect timing immediately before pressing the spacebar to jump.
Time your landing and right-click to slide while moving backward. If this is done correctly, you will slide backward. If you press right-click before moving backward, you will just slide forward. If you press it too late, you will simply stand still. This is a more advanced sliding method that can make for some fancy plays once you’re comfortable with the character. Until then, we recommend using the diagonal slide.
For diagonal slides, you can strafe by pressing “A” or “D” before right-clicking to slide while High Gear is activated. This one is a little easier to accomplish than the reverse slide, and it is a great strategy to duel opponents. Enemies will have a hard time aiming down Neon when she is sliding. It may take some time to get used to, but unexpected slides can catch enemies off guard.
Fast Lane ( C )
Fire two energy lines forward on the ground that extends a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that blocks vision and damages enemies passing through them.
Fast Lane can be used as an advantage in pushing sites. It can create a decent amount of cover, especially in open areas. These walls are, however, not bulletproof, so be sure to keep moving to avoid getting hit by a lucky shot.
Combining this ability with High Gear can be a good strategy. Neon can place her walls and run through them to flank enemy positions or quickly enter a site.
Overdrive (X) (ULT)
Unleash Neon’s full power and speed for a short duration. Fire to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy. The duration resets on each kill.
This can be a deadly ability in the right hands. If you can hit your shots, you will be the bane of your opponents existence. This ability deals a significant amount of damage and can kill enemies within seconds. The fact the ability resets after each kill means that talented players can Ace an entire team if used correctly.
When you have your Ult, you can forgo a buy round and save some money. This is only recommended if you are confident in your skills to take down opponents.
Tips and Tricks
- Fast Lane is best used for cover in open arrears. Create a path for your team to push a site.
- Combining Fast Lane and the High Gear speed boost can be a deadly combination. Place your walls and run through them to quickly flank enemy positions.
- Practice your lineups with the Relay Bolt. A solid lineup can open up an area and distract the enemy.
- Overdrive is deadly, but you have to be able to hit your shots.
- Use Overdrive when there is a high chance of fighting.
Neon has the perfect skill set for players who like to move more aggressively. Neon can easily be the first person to the gunfight with her abilities meant for speed and out-maneuvering your enemies. She may take some time to master, but this agent is definitely worth putting the time and effort into. Even though she can be used for aggressive plates, remember that retreating is an option. Don’t move so quickly that you let strategy go out the window.